
Sunday, April 3, 2016

One Decision at a Time

I have been blogging since January of 2008--eight years!  Google sent me an email message today saying some of my links on Vickie Henderson Art are not working and I should clean them up.  Good idea.  In doing so, I ran across this early post published April 1st, 2008.  I love the message.  I am astounded that I still paint this way.  Its wisdom lives on!  

One decision at a time, a painting is formed.
One decision at a time, a life is lived.
The name of this painting is “Pink”. It began as a wash of pigment brushed on wet paper with nothing in particular in mind, except to see what a bit of rock salt sprinkled here and there would create. The next step was to define something, a shape, a form, a suggestion. The first time I tried this, I struggled. My mind was blank. I saw nothing. Nothing came to me, except frustration and the feeling, maybe I can’t do this. Maybe I hate this.

I revisit that place from time to time, where desire and doubt butt heads. Desire wins out with a little perseverance. And the next thing I know something magical has happened and I created it—me and the water and the pigment and the Universe--one decision at a time.